The cuisines of Southeast Asia, such as pad thai, pho, and bao, have devoted followers well beyond their home countries and are now among the most popular foods consumed worldwide. But underneath the well-known takeout menus and bustling businesses is a fascinating history of cuisine, culture, and modernity. Here, award-winning author and photographer Michael Freeman presents a comprehensive reference to the culinary traditions of eight Southeast Asian nations.
Through the intricately interwoven civilizations that surround the diverse culinary traditions, Ricelands takes the reader on a vivid and engrossing journey of these well-known tourist locations. In his investigation of the roots of each cuisine, the qualities that make a meal authentic, and how each cuisine changed as it assimilated into other civilizations.
Reaktion Books
Michael Freeman
June, 2008
9.70 x 7.40 x 0.80 Inches