P.A.N. Whole Grain White Corn Meal 35.27 oz

$5.49 $6.99 21% Off


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Sold by Keyfood, Lake Worth

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To be Whole Grain is to have everything! Because P.A.N. is created with whole corn kernels, it retains the protein and nutrients of the grain without compromising the exquisite flavor that has made it so well-liked and adaptable. As a result, P.A.N. is a great source of fiber. The greatest corn meal is made using our premium corn! Our product is entirely natural and devoid of additives, making it ideal for use as a bread substitute in any breakfast or brunch dish. It can also be used as the primary ingredient in recipes from Venezuela, Colombia, or Mexico, including fried milho, corn chips, crisp and sweet arepas, cornbread, corn pancakes, empanadas, tortillas, polenta, and corn cookies.

P.A.N. Whole Grain White Corn Meal 35.27 oz

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