Dasanyuan long rice, also known as indica rice, is a high-quality indica rice with distinct local characteristics—silk seedlings.
Long grain rice cooks fluffy and separate, making it ideal for casseroles, salads, and stuffings. Many people prefer this rice variety for rice salads, such as this Mango Chicken Rice Salad with fresh greens, because it adds a whole grain touch to meals.
Short grain rice has a higher glycemic load than long grain rice (including basmati). Cooked and cooled rice (including converted rice) has more resistant starch, which acts as fiber. Antioxidants are abundant in red and black rice. Whatever type of rice you choose, portion size is important.
Why Choose It:
✵May help maintain a healthy weight.
✵ Brown rice protects against chronic disease.
✵ White rice supports energy and restores glycogen levels after exercise.
✵ White rice is easy on the digestive system.
✵ It's a gluten-free grain.