Pinto Bean |IBERIA | Frijoles Pinto| 120Z

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In the US, Iberia pinto beans are the most widely consumed dried beans.


They are a type of common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, which is a staple in Mexican cooking.


When dried, pinto beans are beige with reddish-brown flecks; however, when cooked, they turn a solid light brown or pale pink color. They are easy to make and have an earthy, almost nutty flavor. Regularly, they are either consumed whole or mashed.


In addition to being rich in vitamins and minerals, pinto beans may also have a number of remarkable health advantages.


Pinto Bean |IBERIA | Frijoles Pinto| 120Z

Why Choose It:

✵ Pinto beans mainly contain carbohydrates, fiber, and protein.

✵ Additionally, they contain a remarkable amount of vitamins and minerals.

✵ In addition, they provide a variety of additional minerals like iron and magnesium and have trace levels of other B vitamins, zinc, and calcium.

✵ Plant meals contain fiber, an indigestible carbohydrate.

✵ Polyphenols and flavonoids are among the many beneficial antioxidants found in pinto beans.




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