Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice, 64 fl oz

$7.19 $9.59 25% Off


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Sold by Keyfood, Lake Worth

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Ocean Spray® 100% Juice Cranberry Juice Blend: cult meets classic. Also known as the health-conscious outlaw who follows the trail all the way to the bog. Clear and tidy. For a remarkably refreshing fruit juice, use a 100% juice combination. This combination of cranberry juice includes everything an 8 fl oz serving needs: a full cup of fruit, no added sugar, and 100% of the daily required amount of vitamin C. Four different 100% natural fruit juices are combined to make this cranberry juice blend. It packs a powerful taste punch without sacrificing any. Mix up your cocktails with this mixture of cranberry juice. Give mocktail drinks a twist. Alternatively, serve your drinks simply on the rocks with a dash of tonic.

Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice, 64 fl oz

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