Lofy Small Red Beans | Frijol Rojo| 12 0z

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Frijoles Rojos, or free-ho-less row-hose, are red beans prepared in the Colombian manner. These beans have a distinctive flavor that comes from the mixture of sazon, green onion, and tomato. They go best with rice and can be eaten for lunch or dinner. In addition, they can be used to make Colombian bean soup.


Phaseolus vulgaris, the botanical name for the Colombian red bean known as Frijoles Cargamanto Rojos, is part of the Fabaceae family. The traditional type is one of the few food ingredients that is consumed everyday throughout all of Colombia and is a crucial source of nourishment. For their distinctive hue, nutty flavor, and silky texture when cooked, frijoles cargamanto rojos are often produced in Colombian backyard gardens. Both fresh and dried beans are used in cooking. In order to make money, the beans are also grown commercially, dried, and exported.


Nutrition Fact:

The frijol rojo de seda are a fantastic source of potassium to balance fluid levels in the body as well as fiber, which is helpful for regulating the digestive tract. The beans also contain minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc, as well as iron, which is necessary for the development of hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen in the blood to essential organs.


Lofy Small Red Beans | Frijol Rojo| 12 0z

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