Goya Pacaya In Brine, 32 Oz

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Goya Pacaya in Brine is a canned food product made by the Goya brand. Pacaya refers to the edible flower clusters of the *Chamaedorea tepejilote* palm tree, which is native to Central America. The flower clusters, known as pacayas, have a somewhat bitter flavor and are often used in various traditional dishes in Central American cuisine.

When preserved in brine, the pacaya is pickled in a salty water solution, which helps to preserve its freshness and flavor. The brine also imparts a slightly tangy taste to the pacaya. This product is often used in salads, soups, or served as a side dish, and it can also be battered and fried. 

Goya Pacaya in Brine is popular in regions with a significant Central American population, particularly among those who enjoy traditional dishes from countries like Guatemala and El Salvador.

Goya Pacaya In Brine, 32 Oz

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