Toddy Chocolate Shake Venezuelan Flavor

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Although Toddy is North American in origin (rather than Venezuelan), Venezuelans have undoubtedly included this delectable chocolate drink into their customs. Toddy was traditionally consumed by children after school, while watching TV, or right before bed.


Made with cocoa powder, it is the family-friendly chocolate beverage. Toddy is a symbol of significant heritage for Venezuelan consumers and has a distinctive and delectable chocolate flavor. Contains the finest chocolate in the globe!

Toddy Chocolate Shake Venezuelan Flavor

Toddy Chocolate Shake Venezuelan Flavor

Toddy Chocolate Shake Venezuelan Flavor

Toddy Chocolate Shake Venezuelan Flavor

Toddy Chocolate Shake Venezuelan Flavor

Toddy Chocolate Shake Venezuelan Flavor

Why Choose It:

If you combine two or three spoonfuls with milk, it tastes amazing in both a hot cup and a cold glass! To try alternative variations, add cinnamon, condensed milk, or whipped cream. And here's a tip: add a dash of salt, and you're welcome!

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