Spinach Dal: In this microwaveable meal bag, chickpeas and spinach are cooked together in a mildly spicy sauce; It is vegan, gluten-free, and devoid of preservatives.
We make it simple to taste the mouthwatering flavors of Indian curries, sauces, and stews; Put the package in the microwave for 60 seconds, and then take pleasure in your delectable, well-balanced dinner.
Try Each One: During your next dinner, indulge in genuine Indian, Korean, Sichuan, teriyaki, and Thai tastes.
Ingredients: We only utilize the greatest natural components in each and every one of our products.
A Flavorful World: We have been producing quick, tasty, and all-natural ethnic food from the finest ingredients for for 25 years, including entrees, noodles, and rice dishes.
Tasty Bite® Spinat Dal™
Heat & Eat.
Komplett natürlich.
Leicht gewürzter Spinat mit gelben Linsen.
In 90 Sekunden einsatzbereit.
Koscher Inspektionsdienst zertifiziert.
Nettogewicht: 285 g.