TANGERINES sold by unit

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The Rutaceae plant family, widely known as the citrus family, includes tangerines (Citrus tangerina), a particular type of mandarin oranges (Citrus reticulata). The little fruit, which was first grown in Tangier, Morocco, has an easily peeled reddish-orange skin.

Tangerines are a good source of flavonoids, which are plant-based substances that reduce the risk of chronic diseases and help fight inflammation. Additionally, the tangerine fruit and peel are rich in dietary fiber, water, vitamins, and minerals that support heart and digestive health.

TANGERINES sold by unit

Interesting Tangerine Benefits: 
a wealth of nutrients.
Antioxidants in plenty... Immunity enhancers...
Possibly beneficial to brain health.
might aid in enhancing the look of skin.
favorable to weight loss.
may be good for your heart.


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