Picamas Salsa Brava Hot Sauce (RED) 6.2 fl oz

$2.39 $3.59 33% Off


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Sold by Keyfood, Lake Worth

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B&B Picamas Green/Red Hot Sauce is sure to be appreciated by everyone who appreciates spicy flavors. There are various ways to utilize this tasty sauce to enhance the flavor of any regular meal. Adding a certain quantity of the sauce to dishes that ask for a spicy sauce spice is one method to use it in cooking. Another method is to calculate how much B&B Picamas Green/Red Hot Sauce is required for a favorite dish that doesn't call for hot sauce. Putting spicy sauce on the table for individual servings during mealtime is another method to use it. You might be surprised when diners add a hint of it to more boring dishes like scrambled eggs or mashed potatoes.

Picamas Salsa Brava Hot Sauce (RED) 6.2 fl oz

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