New Fashion Stylish Preyans Brass & Copper Alloy Metal Glass Stone Gold Plated Bajuband Armlet Jewellery for Women's & Gril's

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A "bajuband" is a traditional Indian ornament or accessory that is worn on the upper arm or bicep area of the arm. It is also known as an armlet or arm band. The word "bajuband" is derived from the Hindi language, where "baju" means arm and "band" means band or bracelet.

Bajubands are typically made of various materials, including gold, silver, or other precious metals, and may be adorned with intricate designs, gemstones, pearls, or other decorative elements. They come in different styles, ranging from simple and delicate to more elaborate and ornate designs.

New Fashion Stylish Preyans Brass & Copper Alloy Metal Glass Stone Gold Plated Bajuband Armlet Jewellery for Women's & Gril's

New Fashion Stylish Preyans Brass & Copper Alloy Metal Glass Stone Gold Plated Bajuband Armlet Jewellery for Women's & Gril's

New Fashion Stylish Preyans Brass & Copper Alloy Metal Glass Stone Gold Plated Bajuband Armlet Jewellery for Women's & Gril's

New Fashion Stylish Preyans Brass & Copper Alloy Metal Glass Stone Gold Plated Bajuband Armlet Jewellery for Women's & Gril's

Disclaimer : Although extremely rare, some people are allergic to the metals and finishes commonly used in making jewellery. It is the responsibility of the consumer to be aware of any allergies he or she may have to metals . or the oxidation applied to metals (liver of sulfur) prior to making a purchase.Our jewellery may contain elements of base metal, brass, copper, nickel.There is no way for us to know the medical history of our customers, Aithihya Jewellery will not be held liable for any allergic reactions that may occur as a result of wearing our jewellery.Any type of moisture, especially sweat, tends to speed up the chemical reaction. If you can, try to avoid wearing jewellery near parts of your body that sweat a lot. Also, try not to wear jewellery while exercising or in high stress situations. This should go a long way towards limiting the amount of discoloration you see.

Base Metal Brass & Copper




Gold Plated
Stone Type Cubic Zirconia/American Diamond
Trend Pearl work 


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