Linstead Market Jamaica Callaloo 19oz

$9.08 $10.00 9% Off


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Similar to spinach, the Callaloo plant is a lush green vegetable. Year-round availability, it's high in iron, calcium, and vitamin B2. This incredibly healthy vegetable may be used as a garnish or used as an accompanying vegetable. It tastes great steamed on its own or with saltfish codfish. It can be used in soups or salads.
A comparable leafy green vegetable to spinach is the callaloo plant.
It's year-round and very high in iron, calcium, and vitamin B2.
This incredibly healthy vegetable may be added to soups or salads, tastes great steamed on its own or with saltfish (codfish), and can even be used as a garnish or side dish.


Linstead Market Jamaica Callaloo 19oz

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