Hone bran crackers is a item of venezuela widely popular for snacks with tea or coffe. Along with the sweet and crispy taste it has too many health benefits.
Ingredients list of hony bran crackers:
Harina de trigo, azúcar, harina de trigo integral (17,5%), aceite vegetal, sólidos de la leche, jarabe de azúcar invertida, sal yodada, bicarbonato de sodio, miel de abeja (0,2%), bicarbonato de amonio, metabisulfito de sodio y saborizantes artificiales y natural (caramelo). CONTIENE: TRIGO (GLUTEN) Y DERIVADO DE LECHE.
Why Choose It:
✵ Gluten free
✵ Perfect for all ages people
✵ Great source of callory
✵ Pefect with tea or coffee
✵ Ver Low saturated fat