Goya Yuca Harina, 24 Oz

$6.29 $8.09 22% Off


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Sold by Keyfood, Lake Worth

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Stock up on a 24-oz bag of Goya Yuca Harina for use in numerous recipes. This product works well in baking and cooking and is a great substitute for wheat flour. The flavor of Goya tapioca starch is a little bit sweet. It is derived from the cassava plant in South America and enhances the texture of baked products. Goya tapioca flour works well in place of maize starch and can also be used to bind gluten-free dishes. Desserts, soups, and sauces can all be thickened with it. Goya Yuca Harina is a year-round adaptable product that works well in your pantry or kitchen.


Goya Yuca Harina, 24 Oz

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