Latest pearl earring for girls and women -The alluring Gold-Plated Butterfly Pearl Earrings, a delicate and whimsical mix of beauty drawn from nature and traditional elegance, are now available. The elegance and attractiveness of butterflies are captured in these earrings, which are decorated with pearls' classic appeal.......Zeello has huge collection of latest modern Fashion and Traditional jewellery accessories. Zeello is pioneer of Imitation jewellery for women and designer crystal, traditional jhumka / jhumki , ear studs, fancy tops, traditional earrings for women , fancy ear rings and American diamond hangings Earrings for women and girls. Zeello fashion and traditional jewellery give true value for your money. Buy Zeello trendy, artificial and stylish jewellery for women in cheap low price offer. These are also ideal for birthday gifts for girls, Wife, wedding gifts and anniversary gifts. Best Valentine Gifts for Girlfriend. Earrings are available in Rose gold, silver and gold plating.
Disclaimer : Although extremely rare, some people are allergic to the metals and finishes commonly used in making jewellery. It is the responsibility of the consumer to be aware of any allergies he or she may have to metals . or the oxidation applied to metals (liver of sulfur) prior to making a purchase.Our jewellery may contain elements of base metal, brass, copper, nickel.There is no way for us to know the medical history of our customers, Aithihya Jewellery will not be held liable for any allergic reactions that may occur as a result of wearing our jewellery.Any type of moisture, especially sweat, tends to speed up the chemical reaction. If you can, try to avoid wearing jewellery near parts of your body that sweat a lot. Also, try not to wear jewellery while exercising or in high stress situations. This should go a long way towards limiting the amount of discoloration you see.
Base Metal | Brass and copper |
Plating | gold |
Stone Type | Cubic zirconia |
Color | golden |
shape | Butterfly |
earring back | Push plug |